I'm just going to talk here and see what happens…

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Brilliant thoughts, sums up what the approach to many of these controversial issues should be

James Barrington

The BBC programme Inside Out recently carried an item on animal rights.

Presented by the well-known poet, writer and animal rights advocate Benjamin Zephaniah, it examined why some individuals in the ‘animal rights’ movement were prepared to go to extreme lengths in support of their beliefs. I was asked to take part, having once been a supporter of animal rights – a concept that I now believe to be both flawed and false.

But what exactly is meant by ‘animal rights’ and how does it differ from animal welfare? Indeed, does it matter, when so many people around the world sadly couldn’t care less about either? While animal welfare appears fairly obvious and straightforward – in reality, it’s not – ‘animal rights’ takes the concept of protection to an altogether different level.

The term ‘animal rights’ came into common use in the early 1970s, at the same time numerous groups…

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I haven’t posted on here in a while, and tonight I thought I’d post about a great love of mine.

The pig, as I was reminded tonight during my dinner of gammon, is my favourite animal to eat.

Think of all the brilliant foods we get from pigs….

  • Gammon
  • Ham, proper ham, not supermarket stuff
  • Sausages
  • Stuffing
  • Pork belly (tapas style)
  • Pork and apple
  • …and not forgeting, BACON!

Not only are pigs fairly tasty, but they’re also meant to be quite clever… a feat which is, as of yet, un-achievable to sheep and chickens.

Here is a delightful picture to leave you with….

…To the pig!

I’ve recently decided that next year I’m going to fulfill my ambition of running the Great North Run… All 13.1 miles of it! well, maybe I’ll just run some of it, but I think its time to get training for September next year!

Most people who want to do it, do it again and again, but I think that I’ll be content after my one attempt! Just need a charity to run for now…

So, this weekend we finally got around to going to see the panda’s as Edinburgh Zoo.

Bea came on Saturday night and we watched Merlin (which was amazing) and a new film, “Snow White and the Huntsman” which was very good. She then stayed so we could leave early-ish on Sunday.

When the time came for “the great off” we all piled into the car, Bea, Mum, Jamie and myself and drove for a while, a long while, to the Zoo – nearly getting lost because I swear all the roads looked like this:

When we arrived, we started by seeing the pink flamingos, who happened to smell REALLY bad.

After this we saw a variety of monkeys and gibbons and chimps too maybe!

We saw a Jaguars, Leopards, Tigers, Lions, Zebras (although not in the same enclosure for obvious reasons), Koalas, GIANT Pandas (with names Bea found my pronunciation of hilarious) and even a Tapir; unfortunately no Alpacas.

Didn’t see one like this, but I want one of these too!

On this note, being horsey myself, I found it fascinating to see the difference in the evolution of Zebras compared to horses, especially in the short stride of Zebras, due to them not having been selectively bred like horses have been.

Basically, I just love animals and want one of most things, except pheasants, they’re silly.

I had a great weekend and a great day out at the Zoo with Mum, Jamie and Bea!

Bye for now!

LOOK LEFT ————————> you failed.

I was playing guitar just now, and as soon as I started I dropped my pick into the guitar…

After shaking it around for a bit upside down the pick fell out, and it also struck me how much debris has fallen into my guitar over the years!

I want to ride a Triceratops.

Just watched last nights Doctor Who and I am thoroughly jealous of the three pioneers of this new sport.

Triceratops racing: newest sport on my ‘to-do’ list.

As you may have guessed from my blog name…

…I kind of like Alpacas.

This is for a variety of reasons, however none springs to mind just now, watch this space!

I have found someone else who happens to like Alpacas too. She too would also like an Alpaca, so we plan to get one or two some day.

Bea is amazing, and she always manages to make me happy.

You may be wondering what my girlfriend has to do with animals, so i shall tell you: she is a LION.

A lion who occasionally makes pig sounds it would seem today.

What is a Lion? Well… my lion has a big bushy mane, sticky out-y shoulder blades like you see on TV, and a very scary roar, so I like to think Bea makes quite a good lion.

On another animal-y topic, I am determined that I am going to be a vet, and have to do a lot of ‘relevant work experience’ to get accepted into Uni, but that’s for another time.

I’ll post again soon, bye bye