I'm just going to talk here and see what happens…

Tag Archives: alpacas

As you may have guessed from my blog name…

…I kind of like Alpacas.

This is for a variety of reasons, however none springs to mind just now, watch this space!

I have found someone else who happens to like Alpacas too. She too would also like an Alpaca, so we plan to get one or two some day.

Bea is amazing, and she always manages to make me happy.

You may be wondering what my girlfriend has to do with animals, so i shall tell you: she is a LION.

A lion who occasionally makes pig sounds it would seem today.

What is a Lion? Well… my lion has a big bushy mane, sticky out-y shoulder blades like you see on TV, and a very scary roar, so I like to think Bea makes quite a good lion.

On another animal-y topic, I am determined that I am going to be a vet, and have to do a lot of ‘relevant work experience’ to get accepted into Uni, but that’s for another time.

I’ll post again soon, bye bye